Many businesses overlook the importance of image optimization. However, integrating it within a website’s SEO strategy can give them a competitive advantage when targeting their keywords in the SERPs.

Image optimization is vital in building a website and maintaining an online presence. It helps search engines understand your site’s content and rank it higher on the results page. With proper implementation, you can attract more visitors and improve their experience with your online portal. 

According to Jumpshot data from 2018, Google Images accounts for over 20% of all US web searches. 

Let’s dig deeper into what image optimization is and how you can improve it.

What Is Image Optimization

Image optimization is a process used to make images look their best on the web. The primary aim of the method is to produce high-quality images with the correct dimensions while keeping file size to a minimum. It focuses on refining the image to reduce web page load time and data consumption. It also improves the ranking of a website in search engines.

The three main benefits of image optimization are:

  • Webpages load faster
  • A seamless and enjoyable browsing experience
  • Improved search performance

Tips to Optimize Images for SEO

Now that you understand what actually image optimization is, it’s time to learn the best practices you can follow to make your web pages discoverable.

  • Use Concise And Direct Image Names

The goal of SEO is to let the search engines know exactly what your content is about. You can do this by using unique and relevant keywords. Therefore, giving your image file a name that reflects its contents is necessary.

When you take an image, it is saved with a generic file name such as ‘IMG.69430.jpg.’

However, this does not give search engine algorithms any information about the subject of the pictures. So, instead of leaving the file name as it is, change it to a short but descriptive title. You should also use a keyword-rich file name because search engines will scan the text to rank your page. 

  • Choose The Correct Image Format

The format of the image impacts its quality and loading speed. Search engines prioritize high-quality images that load seamlessly on the viewer’s screen. To ensure both, you need to consider the difference between each image file format. 

Generally, JPEG, PNG, and GIF are the common types of image files. Here are some tips to help you decide the ideal file format:


  • The JPEG images are optimal for a business or an eCommerce website. 
  • JPEG has the smallest file size. 
  • PNG produces high-quality images but has a large file size. 
  • PNG files work great for images with text such as logos. 
  • GIFs are mainly used for animated pictures. 
  • Never use the GIF format for large product images as the file size is huge.
  • Reduce the Size of Your Files

The speed at which your web pages load is critical. More than 53% of users will abandon the page if it takes longer than 3-seconds to load. To avoid the delay in loading, it is essential to reduce the size of images and facilitate the user’s browsing experience. 

One way to reduce the size of your image is by using the Save for Web command option in Adobe Photoshop. When using this tool, you want to ensure the image size is as small as possible while still maintaining good image quality. 

Even if you don’t have Photoshop, there are many other tools that you can use to compress your images:

  • JPEG Optimizer
  • Optimizilla Image
  • Optim 
  • Canvas 
  • TIngPNG
  • Beware of Copyright

While picking an image from the internet for your website, you should ensure that the image is 100% royalty-free. Don’t just take any picture from your favorite website or your Google search. Companies can sue you if you use an image owned by them without a proper licence. You can prevent this by making sure you purchase safe and high-quality images from trusted websites.

  • Insert ALT text

       ALT texts are alternatives that provide descriptions of your images. They are displayed for the viewers when a website cannot render or load images properly for some reason. The text also clues the search engine crawlers and helps them rank your page accordingly. 

Make sure to add descriptive alt text to each picture you upload on your website. If possible, include your primary keyword within the text. This will make it easier for users and search engine crawlers to digest and understand your content. 

  • Optimize Your Thumbnails

Another factor you should consider while optimizing your images is thumbnails. They are an effective form of marketing your products to customers. They allow you to concisely show multiple products to customers without taking up too much space. They are also prominent in mobile SERPs. 

However, adding thumbnails may cause your website speed to suffer.

Therefore, make the size of the thumbnail file as small as possible. Make sure they perfectly resonate with the intended search query. You should also avoid thumbnail pictures with too many details. Instead, keep them clear of distractions and minimal.

  • Use Image Sitemaps

Google recommends adding an exclusive sitemap for images to give the search engines more information about them. The search engine robots use the details you provide to find and index your website’s photos. 

Include elements such as graphic descriptions, names, titles, URL addresses, license information, and captions in your image sitemap. The more clear your data is, the quicker search engines will be able to find your well-optimized images. Ultimately, this will improve the exposure of your page and drive more traffic. 

  • Add Structured Data

Google understands your page better with structured data. Thanks to structured data, your graphics can be used as snippets in search engines. It allows the search engine to display your photos as rich results, enhancing your SEO visibility.

The three types of image file structures supported by Google are:

  • Products
  • Videos
  • Recipes

If you are uploading pictures that belong to any of the three types, make sure to add structured data. Google will configure this data and rank the pictures prominently on the results page.

In Conclusion

Image optimization can be a bit time-consuming. However, putting a little effort and time into it can take your content to a new level.

Image optimization is only a tiny part of the bigger picture, but the benefits are worth the effort. Well-optimized images will not only boost your visibility in search results but will also make your content appealing. So next time you add pictures to your web page, make sure to follow the tips above and watch your rankings grow.